
from 2 to 3 years

This course is about different types of representation in the areas of theater, painting, music, dancing and crafts.

The course is age-appropriate in the form of a game.

Through play, the children develop memory, attention, thinking and feeling skills, and mathematical ideas.
The musical scenes and dynamic games will allow the children to relax and get to know each other better.
Following subjects are included in this course.

"Little Broadway"

from 3 to 4 years

This course includes singing, choreography, acting and visual arts.

Our goal is comprehensive development (physical, mental and creative), social adjustment,
rhetoric and the ability to communicate confidently with peers and adults.    

The development of musical ear, memory, language, imagination, creative thinking,
discipline, attention and the ability to focus on the task at hand are what we are striving for.

Musical Academy

from 6 to 16 years

our goals:

For Theater:

To express oneself correctly in acting, to understand and accept other people, and to put oneself in different roles
To behave in a disciplined way and to take responsibility for oneself and one's partner

For Dancing (classical, characteristic, scenic, modern dance):

physical resilience
flexibility and coordination of the body
discipline and cohesion with your partner

For Music:

Getting to know your own voice
Strengthen health (singing is excellent respiratory and vibratory gymnastics)
Develop hearing, sense of rhythm (which is also useful for foreign languages)
Train memory (memorize lyrics, melodies, rhythms)
To relax and recover the voice

In summary, the Musical Academy is a course, in which the child finds his place in the world, develops and has fun.

Anmeldung zur Probelektion: quartett@kunststudio.ch

Offizieller Partner

"Славянский Базар" в Витебске

Официальный кастинг центр в Швейцарии 

Студия искусттв "Квартет"

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